XGO-Rider – A Wheel-Legged Desktop AI Robot with Enhanced Obstacle-Avoidance Capabilities

The XGO-Rider, developed by Luwu Intelligence from China, is the world’s first wheel-legged desktop AI robot. This compact and agile robot combines the mobility of wheeled robots with the obstacle-negotiation capabilities of legged robots, enabling it to move omnidirectionally and adapt to various terrains with ease. Its cute design, featuring a screen on top, is sure to capture the hearts of robotics enthusiasts and programming learners alike.

  • AI-Powered. Leveraging the Raspberry Pi CM4 core and ChatGPT integration, the XGO-Rider boasts powerful AI capabilities. It can recognize gestures, faces, and even human skeletal structures, and it can track and follow human movement. Users can interact with it seamlessly and intuitively.

  • Wheel-Legged Design. With its unique wheel-legged design, the XGO-Rider is capable of omnidirectional movement. Its Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), FOC brushless motors, and high-quality servos ensure smooth and stable motion, allowing it to navigate various uneven terrains.

  • High-End Hardware. Equipped with a 5-megapixel camera, dual MEMS digital microphones, and a chambered speaker, it ensures effective image and voice interaction.

  • Open Source. The XGO-Rider is open-sourced, allowing users to program it using Blockly and Python. It even supports customization through ROS (Robot Operating System) packages. Additionally, there is a version of the XGO-Rider based on the micro motherboard, compatible with the Makecode/MicroBlocks programming platform, which is especially suited for children’s introductory programming learning.

The XGO-Rider is primarily designed for educational purposes, helping people learn programming and robotics. It can also serve as an experimental tool for developing new algorithms and technologies in research fields. Additionally, you can use the XGO-Rider as a fun desktop companion for real-time interaction and entertainment.

While the XGO-Rider is quite unique, there are similar products on the market. For instance, EMO is another desktop AI robot with a similar appearance, size, and price to the XGO-Rider. However, EMO is mainly designed as a desktop companion, featuring advanced facial recognition, touch sensors, and a wide range of expressive animations, with a focus on entertainment and interaction.

The XGO-Rider’s crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter is nearing its end, with the current crowdfunding price set at $399 USD. The more affordable micro version is no longer available for crowdfunding purchase.

XGO-Rider: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/xgorobot/xgo-rider-desktop-two-wheel-legged-robot-with-ai

Ethan Chen
  • Ethan Chen
  • As a technology enthusiast, Ethan is passionate about all things related to technology, constantly seeking out the latest in tech hardware, software, and emerging technologies, pushing the boundaries of feasibility to reveal endless possibilities.